CKGM Government College,Perambra

30 Kerala Battalion NCC Unit

NCC develops character, comradeship, ideals of service and capacity for leadership in the youth of the country, to stimulate interest in the defence of the country by providing service training to the youth, and build up a reserve to enable the Armed Forces to expand rapidly during a National Emergency.

Lt.Saran K S
Associate NCC officer

An Army Wing of NCC Unit was started in CKGM Govt college during the Academic year 2019-20 with a total strength of 106 Cadets.The Unit was officially inaugurated by the honourable Labour and Excise Minister TP Ramakrishnan on 18-11-2019.

The trainings are conducted as per the directions of the Battallion. As part of training schedule, NCC Unit organises literary Competitions, health awareness progrmmes ,forest Trucking camps, and so on with the objectives of uplifting the students patriotic sense and moral capacities.