Parents Teachers Association
Parents Teachers Association (PTA) was formed in the college in the year 1975-76. The PTA ensures active involvement of parents and teachers in all matters pertaining to the College. It helps the authorities maintain a conducive academic ambience in the campus and strives to realize the goals of the institution. The parent of each student who is admitted into the college shall join the association by paying a membership fee at the time of the student’s admission. All the teachers are members of the Association.
The aims and objectives of the Associations shall be –
To foster mutual understanding, harmonious relationship and cooperation among parents, guardians, and teachers.
To ensure amenities to the students of this College.
To create in its members keen interest for the smooth working and the progress of the college and for maintaining good discipline and high academic standards.
To institute scholarships, prizes, medals etc., to benefit students showing a high proficiency in their studies.
The general body of the Parent Teachers Association (PTA) is met every year,normally at the end. Further, Class PTA meetings are held once in a semester following their first internal examinations. Parent- Teacher –Student Meetings are also convened in connection with these meetings. The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) supports the College for the infrastructural development.
Executive Committee
President : Principal
Vice President :
Secretary :