Department Of Physical Education – Syllabus

Chapter 1 concepts of physical education fitness and wellness

Concept of health, definition, aim, objectives and importance of physical education

Physical fitness components-speed, strength, endurance, flexibility and coordinative abilities

Types of physical fitness- health related physical fitness, performance related physical fitness and cosmetic fitness

Fitness balance

Chapter 2 Exercise principles, first aid and nutrition

Principles of exercise programme, exercise and heart rate zone, BMR

Definition of first aid, aim of first aid, principles of first aid, RICE, ABC of first aid

First aid for fracture, bleeding, drowning, and snake bite

Nutritional balance, nutritional deficiency diseases

Chapter 3 Yoga, stress management and postural deformities

Definition and meaning of yoga,asana, pranayama, eight limbs of astanga yoga- yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyanam, samadi

Asanas and its effects- vrikshasana, padahasthasana, ardachakrasana,trikonasana, ushtrasana, vajrasana, padmasana, bhujangasana, salabhasana, savasana

Pranayama and its effects-suryabedhana, chandrabedhana and nadisudhi

Stress- definition of stress, causes of stress and stress management

Postural deformities and corrective measures- meaning of good posture, causes of poor posture, importance of good posture, postural deformities- kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis, bow leg, knock knee and flat foot

Chapter 4 vital signs, lifestyle / hypokinetic diseases and its management

Vital signs- pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, body temperature

Diseases- diabetes, hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis, CHD, Back pain

Fat body mass assessment- body mass index, waist to hip ratio